Monthly Archives: October 2011

With YOU I wanna share my happiness

Night after day,

Seasons after seasons,

Times flew everyday,

Still, I cant forget the reasons,


Greets the day with a smile,

Bid goodnight with the tears,

Separated by thousand miles,

Always live a sad life in fears,

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Kenapa nak Buang satu Jika sudah dapat DUA?

Salam Semua..

Apa khabar? Hari ini teringat dekat ayat dibawah ini…

Kenapa nak Buang satu jika sudah dapat dua??

(Why we wanna dispose a thing when we can get two??)

Mesti anda semua pernah dengar ayat ini kan?

Well, this phrase haunted me for quite some time. Frankly, up till now I cant let my mine free from thinking about it. It sure happened to all of us. Especially women. Please be careful to whom you are dating for. It doesn’t matter your boyfriend or even your husband. This phrase doesn’t choose its owner. So BEWARE.

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When my Existence is a Sin (Perfect by Simple Plan)

There are lots of things in the world which are beautiful, shining and glowing. But some are dull, dark and gloomy like me. My life are not that wonderful when my own existence is a sin. I’m just a normal lady, I do not possess any specialities or gifted like any other ladies. Day after days, year after years, I am becoming more mature in life. I tried everything that I can to turn my self from a hideous caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. I learned the way of life, I learned more about my creator, I learned to be better from yesterday and I learned from my past mistakes.

I thought I’ve succeeded. In fact, I am NOT. When my life just about to begin, it began to crumpled again. I am lost. Even my love one thinks that I better not be around rather than make their life much harder. I never thought that I am such a loser. I am not needed. I am a trash. MY OWN EXISTENCE IS JUST A SIN!

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