Manglish or broken?

Salam readers,

Today I would like to write about manglish which the word originated from mangled-english that is spoken by Malaysian. Well, Im an English Teacher, Yet, my english are not so perfect like American nor British.

Me, when speaking also used all type of accents, sometime manglish, sometime british, or american or mexican. I like to mimicking people’s accent because I learned to speak english through them especially when watching movies.

I keep on reminding my students to have good pronunciation and increase their vocabularies so that they can enhance their communication skills. It doesnt matter to speak in manglish or broken english as long as we have courage to speak out. However, I do emphasized to them to write well. I told them to read more novels so they will know how to construct a good sentences and can produce an excellent essays.

Yesterday, one guy contacted me and requested for my tutoring in English. He is 25 years old. HUH? Gulpp.. I still havent give a feedback, YET! ME, myself are not that perfect, I dont mind teaching school student because I can always bluff with them whenever Im wrong. Hehee.. But if with a grown up? OMAI!!

I used to laugh to this one girl who frequently updated her status in English. She’s off the same age of mine. LOL. I bet she used google translate to translate from malay to english. Why? Because her english do can be read in english but the construction of sentences is just like in Malay. I dont really know if she really means to enhance her english skills, supposedly she should try to think in english and not in Malay. But If her intention is for showing off, then, she really need to put more makeup on her face. Non the less, I love to see her trying. Keep it up girl.

Honestly, I rather teach this one girl than that guy. He said he wanted to learned communication skill and presentation skill as well. If Im thinking about making LOTS of money, sure I’ll accept him. I can really make good income by tutoring him. ^_^ I am sure he’s from one wealthy family who just play around when in school and now comes great responsibility to take over the company.. aisseeehh… (ni lah sebab asyik layan korea je kn… imagination melampau!)

Whatever it is, I strongly suggest to all ladies, readers, to be confident to speak english. It doesnt matter if you are wrong but it worth trying. NON THE LESS, never use google to translate everything!!! Try to think in english and pour it on your computer. Writing will show who you really are.




**S.M.I.L.E to the fullest alia. Even the wind can change it course, it can still blowing towards him. It is only a matter of time to reach the desired destination. Be patient, as All the Goods THINGS are not suddenly appeared. Allah will always guide you through.

Posted on March 13, 2013, in 2013 ; maturity goes higher up, About A Guy, Tutorials & Classes. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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